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Select the Tutorial folder as the location for the copy. Sample Copy. Click Save. For more information You have opened a database, browsed through records, switched layouts, learned the differences between Form View, List View, and Table View, and explored the status toolbar and layout bar. You have also created a copy of a database that contains data.

Sometimes you ll work with all of the records in the database to mail out an annual catalog for each customer, for example. Often, however, you ll work with a subset of your database people who come from a particular city, for example, or records that fall within a particular range of dates.

In FileMaker Pro, this process of searching for records that match particular criteria is called finding records. Once you ve found the records you want to work with, you can change their order by sorting them. Records can be sorted in ascending or descending order. In this lesson, you will: 1 use Browse mode to find records that have: 1 matching data in any field using quick find 1 matching data in a single field 1 use Find mode to: 1 find records that have matching data in specific multiple fields 1 find records matching a range of data 1 narrow your searches by omitting records 1 save a find request, modify it, and use the new request to locate different records 1 sort records in ascending order a to z and add a new record in sorted order Note Verify that you have Sample Copy.

See lesson 2 for information on accessing the Tutorial folder and making a copy of Sample. Use quick find to search a database Quick find gives you an easy way to search across all fields on the current layout. In the membership database, find all records for members named John who are located in the UK.

Open Sample Copy. Notice that the database is in Browse mode and that the active layout is Data Entry. You can use quick find to search for common text located in different fields in a database. Type John UK in the quick find search text box in the upper-right corner of the status toolbar. Type the text you want to find here. The result of your quick find search is the found set. The pie chart in the status toolbar shows the found set as a portion of all the records in the database. Pie chart Number of records in the found set Total number of records in the database 5.

Click the book icon or slider to view the two records in the found set. Find records based on criteria in a single field You can use a shortcut menu to find matching data in a particular field.

Now find all of the members that are located in New York City. Click Show All in the status toolbar to restore all records to the found set. The pie chart once again shows the found set contains 29 records. Note It is not necessary to click Show All before performing another Find, as FileMaker Pro finds records from the entire database by default.

Drag the slider to the left to display the first record in the database Mary Smith located in the United States. From the shortcut menu, choose Find Matching Records. Choose this item from the shortcut menu. The pie chart shows the found set has changed to 4 records. Number of records in this found set 5. Click the book icon or slider to view each of the four records in the found set. Find records based on criteria in specific separate fields You can find records that match multiple criteria, for example members who are both from the United States and are new members.

Here again you create an AND search. To perform an AND search in Find mode, type each search criterion directly into the appropriate field.

To find all members who live in the United States and are new members: 1. Click Find in the status toolbar. FileMaker Pro switches to Find mode. In Find mode, you create a find request using the fields marked with a. Type the criteria you want to search for directly into the fields on the request. Type USA in the Country field. Type New in the Membership Type field. Click Perform Find in the status toolbar. Your find request returns a found set of two records for the two new members who live in the United States.

Find records that match multiple criteria in the same field Sometimes you need to find records that match more than one criterion in a single field. For example, you may need to find all members located in either New York or London.

This type of search is commonly referred to as an OR search, because your found set will consist of records that match any one of the find criteria. When you click the Find button, FileMaker Pro will retrieve all of the records that match any of the criteria you ve entered. To find all members living in New York or London: 1. Type New York in the City field.

Click New Request in the status toolbar. Notice that the status toolbar shows that there are currently two find requests. Number of find requests 4. Type London in the City field of this second request. Your find request returns a found set of six records for six members who live in either New York or London.

Find records that match a range of criteria in the same field Sometimes, you might want to find records that match a range of criteria within a single field. For example, you might want to find all of the records that fall within a one-month period, or locate all of the sales invoices numbered between and To perform this type of search in FileMaker Pro, you use a special range symbol in your find request to specify the lower and upper limits of your find criteria.

To find the members who paid their membership fees between January 1, and June 30, 1. Click Find. Note FileMaker Pro uses the date format specified in your system settings, so the date format you see and enter might differ from the format shown in this tutorial. In the layout bar, click Operators and choose range from the list. Choose range Tip Alternatively, you can type any operator from the menu directly into a search field.

Your search returns six records, for six members who paid their fees within the first six months of the year Narrow your search Sometimes, you might need to find records that match certain criteria while at the same time excluding others for example, finding all of the records that were added in a given year except for those added in a particular month, or finding all customers who reside in the United States, except for those in New York City.

You can perform these types of finds by using a combination of multiple find requests and omitting certain records. Because FileMaker Pro processes multiple find requests in the order they are created, it is possible to create very specific, layered searches in this manner.

Omitting records in a search does not delete them from the database. To find the records of members who paid their fees in , except for the members who paid their fees in March: 1. Type in the Date Paid field. Click New Request. Notice that the status toolbar shows that this is the second find request in this database search.

Click Omit in the layout bar to have FileMaker Pro exclude any records in the found set that fit the criteria of this second find request. Click Operators, then select range from the list. Click Perform Find. Click Omit Your search returns 11 records for 11 members who paid their fees in , except the members who paid during the month of March.

You can then quickly and easily perform the find request from either Browse mode or Find mode. To save your last find request: 1. Do one of the following: 1 Windows: Click the down arrow to the right of the Find button and choose Save Current Find. Your last find request appears in the Specify Options for the Saved Find dialog box. The find request appears as the default name for the saved find 2. Find records using a Saved Find To run your saved find request: 1.

In Browse mode, click Show All in the status toolbar. The pie chart in the status toolbar once again shows the total number of records in the sample file.

Do one of the following: 1 Windows: Click the down arrow to the right of the Find button, and under Saved Finds, choose fees paid, Except March. Once again, only the 11 records meeting the criteria you specified in your Saved Find appear.

For example, you might want to display the records in alphabetical order, or sort them from newest to oldest. To sort records in alphabetical order by the members last names: 1. In the layout bar, click the Layout pop-up menu and choose Club List. The black bar to the left of the record for Mary Smith indicates it is the current record in the found set. Current record 2. Click Sort in the status toolbar.

The Sort Records dialog box appears. If any fields appear in the Sort Order column on the right side of the dialog box, click Clear All.

In the list of available fields on the left, select Last Name and click Move. Sort direction buttons become active when a field is selected Notice the sort direction symbol to the right of the Last Name field increases in size from left to right. This indicates that when the database is sorted by this field, the data will be in ascending order from a to z.

Click Sort. The names in the Club List are now displayed in alphabetical order by last name. Notice that the current record is still Mary Smith, and this record has moved to its sorted location in the list. To add a record and see that it is sorted automatically: 1.

Click New Record in the status toolbar. You see a blank record in the Club List layout. Note Depending on the size of your FileMaker Pro window, you might have to scroll down to see the blank record. Click outside the Membership Type field to commit the new record in the database. The new, current record is sorted alphabetically by last name in the list.

Notice the records return to the order they were before you sorted the found set and the new record appears at the bottom of the list. This is the order in which the records are stored in the database. Select the record for Connel Jordan, if it is not already selected. Click Delete Record in the status toolbar, then click Delete to remove this record from the sample file. For more information You have found records based on a variety of criteria, narrowed your searches by omitting specific records, and learned how to save find requests.

In addition, you have sorted the result of your final found set and added a new record in sorted order. Now you will create your own file and add records. In this lesson you will: 1 create a simple database 1 define fields to hold different types of data 1 create records 1 enter data 1 modify data 1 delete records 1 insert data in a container field Create a simple database About fields You create a field for each category of information you want, such as First Name or City.

To find, sort, calculate, and display data correctly, the field type should match the kind of data it contains text, number, date, and so on. You will learn about other field types in later lessons. Create a database 1. Go to the Tutorial folder and select it as the location for this file. For File name, type MyFile. The file opens in Browse mode in Table View. You will now create fields. Click Create Field. Click to create a field 5. Type First Name. Type Last Name.

Click to create another field You have created five fields in your database. Field labels appear as column headings in Table View Fields created in Table View are the text field type by default. Now you will change the field type of some of the fields you created. Choose Number as the field type Right-click the Container field, choose Field Type, then choose Container. Create the first record 1. Click below the First Name column heading.

A new row appears in the table. This is a new, empty record in the database. This arrow indicates the current record in Table View 2. Type Jane. Enter data here 3. Press Tab to move to the Last Name field. Note FileMaker Pro automatically saves your changes as you work. Type Doe in the Last Name field. Press tab and type 25 in Fee Paid. You will learn how to format number fields to display as currency in the next lesson.

Leave the Container field empty for the time being. Create another record 1. Click in the row below Jane in the First Name field to create a new record.

Tip You can also click New Record in the status toolbar to create a new record. Your database now contains two records. Copy data with drag and drop 1. Click in the next row and enter a First Name and Last Name of your choice. Select the 75 in the Fee Paid field in record Drag the highlighted text to the Fee Paid field in record 3 and release the mouse.

Note If you can t drag the text, drag and drop might not be enabled in FileMaker Pro. Under General, select Allow drag and drop text selection, click OK, then repeat steps 2 and Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the Date Paid field. You can easily correct the entry. In the record for Jane Doe, select the amount in the Fee Paid field.

Type the new amount, The text in the Fee Paid field is selected 3. Click outside the field to commit save this change in the database. Click Form View. In the last record you created, select the data in the Last Name field and type a different name. Click outside the field to commit the change. Delete a record 1. Click Table View. Select the last record you created.

Click Delete Record in the status toolbar. Click Delete in the confirmation dialog box. Notice in the status toolbar that only two records remain in the database.

Select the container field in the first record. Choose the logo. Click Open. The GIF filename and icon are displayed in the container field When you insert a file, FileMaker Pro displays the file's icon and name in the container field but not the actual content of the file.

For more information You have created a simple database and defined fields, then added, modified, and deleted records and copied data between records. You will learn more about entering data in different field types and by different methods in lesson 7. In this lesson, you will: 1 learn how layouts determine what you see 1 add, resize, and move fields 1 add a tab panel and change its color 1 display values in a number field as currency 1 change text size, style, and color 1 add graphics 1 see where to find other ways you can customize a layout About layouts and tables Each layout is based on a single table, and shows records from that table.

If your file contains only one table, all layouts in your file will be based on that table. If your file contains more than one table, you must choose which table your layout will use at the time you create the layout, although you can change this later if necessary.

The table you choose as the basis for your layout is important because it determines which fields and records are available for use on that layout. Fields and records that are not stored in the current table can still be used, but must be accessed through relationships. You ll learn more about relationships in lesson 11, Making databases relational. About customizing layouts You design layouts in Layout mode. You can include any combination of fields, text, and graphics on a layout.

You can change the font and color of fields and text and you can change the way data appears in Number or Date fields. For example, you can set a Number field to include currency notation or you can set a Date field to include the day of the week with the month, day, and year. You use the Inspector for most formatting tasks in Layout mode.

Changes you make in Layout mode affect only the way data appears. The data itself remains as it was entered in the file. Resize, move, and add a field Select and resize a field 1. Tip Because you opened Sample Copy. Choose Data Entry from the Layout pop-up menu in the layout bar. Click Edit Layout in the layout bar.

The status toolbar displays tools you use to design layouts. If you don t see the layout tools, resize the FileMaker Pro window to make it wider. Number of layouts in this file Layout tools 4. Move the pointer over the status toolbar and layout bar to familiarize yourself with the layout tools. Notice that each field contains an icon, which indicates that the field is enabled for quick find.

The color of the icon indicates performance. Click the First Name field to select it. Show or hide the Inspector and formatting bar Click to select the field 6. Drag the handle at the lower-right corner of the field to the left until the field is smaller, yet large enough to display the longest first name you expect in your file. In Browse mode, click the book in the status toolbar to flip through the records.

If the field doesn t display all names completely, return to Layout mode and make the field larger. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for Last Name. Move a field 1. Click Edit Layout. Select and drag the handle to resize 2. Click inside the Last Name field and drag it to the right of the First Name field.

In the next steps, you ll use the Inspector to align these fields. Click Inspector in the layout bar to open the Inspector. The Inspector lets you precisely position and format objects on a layout. Both fields are selected. Drag the Last Name field label above the Last Name field. Drag the First Name field label above the First Name field. Experiment with the alignment buttons in the Inspector and arrow keys on your keyboard to align the field labels with each other and their respective fields.

Tip If you make mistakes while designing layouts, you can click Revert in the layout bar to discard any unsaved changes, then start again. Add a field After a field has been defined in a table, you can display it on any layout based on that table. In the sample database, there are defined fields that are not on this layout. You will add one of these fields now. Note You can also place related fields from other tables on your layouts, as explained in lesson Click Edit Layout.

Click the Field tool in the status toolbar and drag the new field under the Date Paid field. The Member Since field appears on the layout. Resize the new field by dragging a right handle so the field is the same size as the Date Paid field.

Notice that the format of the Member Since field label does not match the other field labels on the layout. You can use the Format Painter tool to copy the format of one label and apply it to another label. Select the Date Paid field label. Choose the Format Painter tool in the status toolbar.

A paintbrush appears next to the pointer 6. Click the Member Since field label. The format changes to match the format of the Date Paid field label. Field tool, indicating you can copy and paste formats on the layout. Select the Member Since field, shift-click the Date Paid field, then click Align left edges in the Inspector to left-align these fields. Note You might need to use the arrow keys to adjust the alignment of label text.

You see today s date entered in the Member Since field in the new record. The current date will be entered in the Member Since field in each subsequent new record. Click Delete Record, then click Delete to remove the empty record from the file. Add a tab panel 1. Select the Contact info tab to select the tab panel. Handles appear around the entire panel 3. Click Create, then OK. You see the new tab panel to the right of the Contact Info tab. In the Contact info tab panel, starting outside the tab panel, drag around the Company, Membership Type, Fee Paid, Date Paid, and Member Since fields and their labels to select them all.

Select the Membership info tab panel. With the fields and labels selected, drag to position them near the top of the tab panel. Display a number as currency You can display a number as currency, even though only the number is typed into the field.

Formatting affects only the way data is displayed. It does not change the data. In the Membership info tab panel, select the Fee Paid field. In the Inspector, click Data. Click Data. Click Save Layout, then Exit Layout to see the formatted data. Note You might need to click the Membership info tab or move to another record to see formatted data in the Fee Paid field.

Add color to a tab panel Change the color of the Membership info tab panel to match the color of the header in this layout. Select the Membership info tab to select this panel. In the Color dialog box, enter the value for Red, Green, and Blue.

Click OK. The color of the Membership info tab panel now matches the color of the header. Change text size and color 1. In Layout mode, select the Selection tool in the status toolbar. Click the The Corporate Travelers Club heading to select the text block.

In the Inspector, click Appearance. Click to the left of the The Corporate Travelers Club text, where you want to place the club logo. You will see no change onscreen yet. Open the Tutorial folder. Make sure all file types are showing, and select logo. Drag the logo or text block to move it, if necessary. Click Save Layout, then click Exit Layout to see the finished layout.

For more information You have learned how to enhance the appearance of your data by using tab panels, graphics, custom text, field formatting, and creative positioning of objects on layouts. You will learn how to add a chart to a layout in lesson There are many other ways to customize the appearance of fields and layouts. For example, after you ve created a layout, you can: 1 add effects like embossing or patterns to objects 1 use lines or boxes to highlight or separate information 1 add scroll bars to individual fields 1 change background or field color When you create a new layout, you can apply color and style using a theme.

For more information on such enhancements, see FileMaker Pro Help. In this lesson, you will create: 1 a list of your records 1 mailing labels 1 a form letter Create a columnar list A columnar list shows many records simultaneously. Each row is one record. Each column holds one category of data, such as Last Name or Phone Number. For Layout Name, type List of Members. Select List view for the new layout type and click Next.

Double-click each of the following fields in the order you want the fields to appear in the list: 1 Last Name 1 First Name 1 Company 1 Membership Type These fields move to the Layout fields list. Click Next. Select Standard from the list of layout themes, and click Next. Click Next on each of the two remaining panels to accept the default settings.

Click Finish. The completed layout is displayed in List View in Browse mode. Notice that the layout you just created appears in the Layout pop-up menu in the layout bar. Create mailing labels About labels layouts Labels layouts use merge fields. Merge fields expand or contract to fit the data in the field, and take no space if the field is empty.

The default buttons on the toolbar vary, depending on which mode you are in. You can add and remove buttons to customize the status toolbar in any mode. The layout bar below the status toolbar helps you quickly switch between layouts and views. Other controls on the layout bar vary according to the mode you re in. Status toolbar Layout bar Status toolbar and layout bar in Browse mode Find out what status toolbar buttons do 1 Move the pointer over buttons on the status toolbar.

A tooltip appears for each button and describes its use. Customize the status toolbar You can use the status toolbar as is, or you can add and remove buttons.

To add a button to the status toolbar: 1. Do one of the following: 1 Windows: In the dialog box, select the Commands tab. To remove a button from the status toolbar: 1 Drag the Sort button from the status toolbar to the dialog box.

To reset the toolbar so it displays only the default buttons: 1. The Print button is removed and the Sort button is restored. To save a copy of the sample file: 1. Select the Tutorial folder as the location for the copy.

Sample Copy. Click Save. For more information You have opened a database, browsed through records, switched layouts, learned the differences between Form View, List View, and Table View, and explored the status toolbar and layout bar. You have also created a copy of a database that contains data. Sometimes you ll work with all of the records in the database mailing an annual catalog to each customer, for example.

Often, however, you ll work with a subset of your database people who come from a particular city, for example, or records that fall within a particular range of dates. In FileMaker Pro, this process of searching for records that match particular criteria is called finding records. Once you ve found the records you want to work with, you can change their order by sorting them.

Records can be sorted in ascending or descending order. In this lesson, you will: 1 use Browse mode to find records that have: 1 matching data in any field using quick find 1 matching data in a single field 1 use Find mode to: 1 find records that have matching data in specific multiple fields 1 find records matching a range of data 1 narrow your searches by omitting records 1 save a find request, modify it, and use the new request to locate different records 1 sort records in ascending order a to z and add a new record in sorted order Note Verify that you have Sample Copy.

See lesson 2 for information on accessing the Tutorial folder and making a copy of Sample. Use quick find to search a database Quick find gives you an easy way to search across all fields on the current layout.

Find all records for customers named John who are located in the UK. Open Sample Copy. The database is in Browse mode and the active layout is Data Entry.

You can use quick find to search for common text located in different fields in a database. Type John UK in the quick find search text box in the upper-right corner of the status toolbar. Type the text you want to find here If you don t see the search box, resize the FileMaker Pro window to make it wider. The result of your quick find search is the found set. The pie chart in the status toolbar shows the found set as a portion of all the records in the database.

Pie chart Number of records in the found set Total number of records in the database 4. Click the book icon or slider to view the two records in the found set. Find records based on criteria in a single field You can use a shortcut menu to find matching data in a particular field. Now find all of the customers that are located in New York City. Click Show All in the status toolbar to restore all records to the found set. The pie chart once again shows the found set contains 29 records.

Note It is not necessary to click Show All before performing a Find, as FileMaker Pro finds records from the entire database by default. Drag the slider to the left to display the first record in the database Mary Smith located in the USA. From the shortcut menu, choose Find Matching Records. Choose Find Matching Records. The pie chart shows the found set has changed to 4 records. Number of records in this found set 5.

Click the book icon or slider to view each of the four records in the found set. Find records based on criteria in specific separate fields You can find records that match multiple criteria, for example customers who are both from the United States and are new customers.

Here again you create an AND search. To perform an AND search in Find mode, type each search criterion directly into the appropriate field.

To find all customers who live in the United States and are new customers: 1. Click Find in the status toolbar. FileMaker Pro switches to Find mode. In Find mode, you create a find request using the fields marked with a. Type the criteria you want to search for directly into the fields on the request. Type USA in the Country field.

Type New in the Customer Type field. Click Perform Find in the status toolbar. Your find request returns a found set of two records for the two new customers located in the United States. Find records that match multiple criteria in the same field Sometimes you need to find records that match more than one criterion in a single field. For example, you may need to find all customers located in either New York or London.

This type of search is commonly referred to as an OR search, because your found set will consist of records that match any one of the find criteria. When you click the Perform Find button, FileMaker Pro retrieves all of the records that match any of the criteria you ve entered.

To find all customers living in New York or London: 1. Type New York in the City field. Notice that the status toolbar shows that there are currently two find requests. Number of find requests 4. Type London in the City field of this second request. Your find request returns a found set of six records for six customers located in either New York or London.

Find records that match a range of criteria in the same field Sometimes, you might want to find records that match a range of criteria within a single field. For example, you might want to find all of the records that fall within a one-month period, or locate all of the sales invoices numbered between and To perform this type of search in FileMaker Pro, you use a special range symbol in your find request to specify the lower and upper limits of your find criteria.

To find the customers who paid their annual fee between January 1, and June 30, 1. Click Find. Note FileMaker Pro uses the date format specified in your system settings, so the date format you see and enter might differ from the format shown in this tutorial.

In the layout bar, click Operators and choose range from the list. Choose range Tip Alternatively, you can type any operator from the menu directly into a search field. Your search returns six records, for six customers who paid their fees within the first six months of the year Narrow your search Sometimes, you might need to find records that match certain criteria while at the same time excluding others for example, finding all of the records that were added in a given year except for those added in a particular month, or finding all customers who reside in the United States, except for those in New York City.

You can perform these types of finds by using a combination of multiple find requests and omitting certain records. Because FileMaker Pro processes multiple find requests in the order they are created, it is possible to create very specific, layered searches in this manner. Omitting records in a search does not delete them from the database. To find the records of customers who paid their fees in , except for the customers who paid their fees in March: 1.

Type in the Date Paid field. Click New Request. Notice that the status toolbar shows that this is the second find request in this database search. Click Omit in the layout bar to have FileMaker Pro exclude any records in the found set that fit the criteria of this second find request. Click Operators, then select range from the list.

Click Perform Find. Click Omit Your search returns 11 records for 11 customers who paid their fees in , except the customers who paid during the month of March. You can then quickly and easily perform the find request from either Browse mode or Find mode.

To save your last find request: 1. Do one of the following: 1 Windows: Click the down arrow to the right of the Find button and choose Save Current Find. Your last find request appears in the Specify Options for the Saved Find dialog box. The find request appears as the default name for the saved find 2. Find records using a saved find To run your saved find request: 1. In Browse mode, click Show All in the status toolbar. The pie chart in the status toolbar once again shows the total number of records in the sample file.

Once again, only the 11 records meeting the criteria you specified in your saved find appear. Sort your found set After you have a found set of records to work with, you might want to sort those records. For example, you might want to display the records in alphabetical order, or sort them from newest to oldest.

In the layout bar, click the Layout pop-up menu and choose Customer Type List. This layout will make it easier to see the results of the sorting. The black bar to the left of the record for Mary Smith indicates it is the current record in the found set. Current record 2. Click Sort in the status toolbar.

The Sort Records dialog box appears. If any fields appear in the Sort Order column on the right side of the dialog box, click Clear All.

In the list of available fields on the left, select Last Name and click Move. Symbol indicates the sort direction Sort direction buttons become active when a field is selected The sort direction symbol to the right of the Last Name field increases in size from left to right.

This indicates that when the database is sorted by this field, the data will be in ascending order from a to z. Click Sort. The names in the Customer Type List are now displayed in alphabetical order by last name. The current record is still Mary Smith. This record has moved to its sorted location in the list. To add a record and see that it is sorted automatically: 1. Click New Record in the status toolbar. You see a blank record in the Customer Type List layout.

Note Depending on the size of your FileMaker Pro window, you might have to scroll down to see the blank record. Click outside the Customer Type field to commit the new record in the database.

The new record appears alphabetically by last name in the list. Records return to the order they were before you sorted the found set and the record you added appears at the bottom of the list. This is the order in which the records are stored in the database. Tip If you don't want records to change location as you add or edit them, clear Keep records in sorted order in the Sort Records dialog box.

Select the record for Connel Jordan, if it is not already selected. Click Delete Record in the status toolbar, then click Delete to remove this record from the sample file.

For more information You have found records based on a variety of criteria, narrowed your searches by omitting specific records, and learned how to save find requests. In addition, you have sorted the result of your final found set and added a new record in sorted order. Now you will create your own file and add records. In this lesson you will: 1 create a simple database 1 define fields to hold different types of data 1 create records 1 enter data 1 modify data 1 delete records 1 insert data in a container field Create a simple database About fields You create a field for each category of information you want, such as First Name or City.

To find, sort, calculate, and display data correctly, the field type should match the kind of data it contains text, number, date, and so on.

You will learn about other field types in later lessons. Create a database 1. Go to the Tutorial folder and select it as the location for this file. Type the file name MyFile. The file opens in Browse mode in Table View. You will now create fields. Click Create Field.

Click to create a field 5. Type First Name. Click to create another field 7. Type Last Name. You have created five fields in your database. Field labels appear as column headings in Table View Fields created in Table View are the text field type by default.

Now you will change the field type of some of the fields you created. Move the pointer over the Fee Paid column heading until the down arrow appears. Use the down arrow to display the shortcut menu Choose Number as the field type Move the pointer over the Date Paid column heading and click the down arrow.

Move the pointer over the Container column heading and click the down arrow. Create the first record 1. Click below the First Name column heading.

A new row appears in the table. This is a new, empty record in the database. This highlight indicates the current record in Table View 2. Type Jane. Enter data here 3. Press Tab to move to the Last Name field. Note FileMaker Pro automatically saves your changes as you work. Type Doe in the Last Name field. Press Tab and type 25 in Fee Paid. You will learn how to format number fields to display as currency in the next lesson. Leave the Container field empty.

Create another record 1. Click in the row below Jane in the First Name field to create a new record. Tip You can also click New Record in the status toolbar to create a new record. Your database now contains two records. Copy data with drag and drop 1. Click in the next row and enter a First Name and Last Name of your choice. Select 75 in the Fee Paid field in record Drag the selected text to the Fee Paid field in record 3 and release the mouse.

Note If you can t drag the text, drag and drop might not be enabled in FileMaker Pro. You can easily correct the entry. In the record for Jane Doe, click to the right of the 2, press Backspace Windows or Delete Mac OS , then type Click outside the field to commit this change in the database. Click Form View. In the last record you created, select the data in the Last Name field and type a different name.

Click outside the field to commit the change. Delete a record 1. Click Table View. Select the last record you created by clicking in any field in the record.

Click Delete Record in the status toolbar. Click Delete in the confirmation dialog box. The status toolbar indicates only two records remain in the database. Insert a file in a container field A container field can store photos, movies, sounds you record, and documents, such as Microsoft Word and Excel files, and PDF files. Select the container field in the first record.

Choose the logo. The PNG filename and icon are displayed in the container field When you insert a file, FileMaker Pro displays the file's icon and name in the container field but not the actual content of the file. You will learn more about entering data in different field types and by different methods in lesson 7. In this lesson, you will: 1 learn how layouts determine what you see 1 add, resize, and move fields 1 add a tab panel 1 display values in a number field as currency 1 change text size, style, and color 1 add graphics 1 see where to find other ways you can customize a layout About layouts and tables Each layout is based on a single table, and shows records from that table.

If your file contains only one table, all layouts in your file will be based on that table. If your file contains more than one table, you must choose which table your layout will use at the time you create the layout, although you can change this later if necessary.

The table you choose as the basis for your layout is important because it determines which fields and records are available for use on that layout. Fields and records that are not stored in the current table can still be used, but must be accessed through relationships.

You ll learn more about relationships in lesson 11, Making databases relational. About customizing layouts You design layouts in Layout mode. You can include any combination of fields, text, and graphics on a layout. The appearance of objects and text on a layout are determined by the layout s theme. You specify a theme when you create a layout and you can change the theme later, if you want.

You can also change how individual items on a layout display such as objects and text and the way data appears in number or date fields. For example, you can set a number field to include currency notation, or you can set a date field to include the day of the week with the month, day, and year. Explore the layout tools and the Inspector 1. Tip Because you opened Sample Copy.

Choose Data Entry from the Layout pop-up menu in the layout bar, if it is not already selected. The status toolbar displays tools you use to design layouts. If you don t see the layout tools, resize the FileMaker Pro window to make it wider. Number of layouts in this file Layout tools 4. Move the pointer over the status toolbar and layout bar to familiarize yourself with the layout tools.

Click Inspector in the layout bar to open the Inspector. Show or hide the Inspector and formatting bar You use the Inspector for many formatting tasks in Layout mode. The Inspector is a tool that allows you to view and edit the settings for objects. Changes you make in Layout mode affect only the way data appears.

The data itself remains as it was entered in the file. Click a tab to view other settings Use the Appearance tab to copy and paste text and object styles and to format objects, lines, and text. Click the First Name field on the layout to select it. Click to select the field Select and drag the handle to resize 2.

Drag the handle at the right side of the field toward the left until the field is smaller, yet large enough to display the longest first name you expect in your file. Blue dynamic guides appear on the layout. When you move, resize, or align objects on a layout, dynamic guides help you create and edit objects more precisely.

Each field contains a badge, which indicates that the field is enabled for quick find. The color of the badge shows the estimated performance when searching by this field. In Browse mode, click the book in the status toolbar to flip through the records.

If the field doesn t display all names completely, return to Layout mode and make the field larger. Click Edit Layout in the layout bar, and repeat steps 1 through 4 for Last Name. Move a field 1. Click Edit Layout in the layout bar, then click inside the Last Name field and drag it to the right of the First Name field. You can use the dynamic guides to align the text in the First Name field. Drag the Last Name field label above the Last Name field.

Drag the First Name field label above the First Name field. Align the First Name and Last Name field labels with each other and their respective fields. Your layout should look similar to the following when you are finished.

Tip If you make mistakes while designing layouts, you can click Revert in the layout bar to discard any unsaved changes, then start again. Add a field After a field has been defined in a table, you can display it on any layout based on that table. In the sample database, there are defined fields that are not on this layout. You will add one of these fields now.

Note You can also place related fields from other tables on your layouts, as explained in lesson Click Edit Layout in the layout bar. Click the Field tool in the status toolbar and drag the new field under the Date Paid field. In the Specify Field dialog box, select Customer Since. Be sure that Create label is selected, then click OK. The Customer Since field appears on the layout. Resize the new field by dragging a right handle so the field is the same size as the Date Paid field.

Select the field label and resize it so the entire label shows, if necessary. Note You might need to adjust the alignment of label text. Field tool You see today s date entered in the Customer Since field in the new record. The current date will be entered in the Customer Since field in each subsequent new record.

Click Delete Record, then click Delete to remove the empty record from the file. Click Edit Layout in the layout bar. Select the Contact Info tab to select the tab panel.

Handles appear around the entire panel 3. Click Create, then OK. You see the new tab to the right of the Contact Info tab. Click outside the tab control to deselect it. Select the Payment Status tab panel. With the fields and labels selected, drag to position them near the top of the tab panel. Display a number as currency You can display a number as currency, even though only the number is typed into the field. Formatting affects only the way data is displayed. It does not change the data.

In the Payment Status tab panel, select the Fee Paid field. Select the field, not the field label. Click Inspector in the layout bar if the Inspector is not already open.

Change text size and color Click Data 1. Click Edit Layout in the layout bar, then select the Selection tool in the status toolbar. Click the Favorite Bakery Discount Program heading to select the text block. In the Inspector, click Appearance. Under Text, type 25 for the font size, click the style button for italic, and choose the color white. Select italic Type 25 for Size Choose white 5. With the heading text block still selected, drag the left handle of the text block to the left, if necessary, to show all of the heading text in the new large font.

Drag the right handle of the text block to the left, if necessary, so the heading text block does not extend outside the header. Click to the left of the heading text.

This is where you want to place the bakery s logo. Open the Tutorial folder. Make sure all file types are showing. Select logo. Drag the logo using the dynamic guides to align the logo with the text in the header. Click Save Layout, then click Exit Layout to see the finished layout. For more information You have learned how to enhance the appearance of your data by using tab panels, graphics, custom text, field formatting, and creative positioning of objects on layouts.

You will learn how to add a chart to a layout in lesson There are many other ways to customize the appearance of fields and layouts. For example, after you ve created a layout, you can: 1 use lines or boxes to highlight or separate information 1 add scroll bars to individual fields For more information about designing and creating layouts, see FileMaker Pro Help.

In this lesson, you will create: 1 a list of your records 1 mailing labels 1 a form letter Create a columnar list A columnar list shows many records simultaneously. Each row is one record. Each column holds one category of data, such as Last Name or Phone Number. For Layout Name, type List of Customers. Select List view for the new layout type and click Next. The order in which you select the fields sets the order in which they appear in the columnar list.

Click Next to leave the records in their original order. From the list of layout themes, under FileMaker Millennium, select Cool Brown if it is not already selected , and click Next. Click Next on each of the two remaining panels to accept the default settings.

Click Finish.
